Wednesday, 14 November 2018

K-ON! by Kakifly

Location = Kyoto region of Japan

Well I did say I wanted to travel to lots of places with my reading and I don't think books have taken me to Japan for a good while if ever.

So I've read a Manga! Another first! A Manga is a Japanese comic book and apparently this is a Seinen Manga. Which means it is aimed at young men. And I can see why as it's main characters are tarty looking schoolgirls. In fact there is an argument to be had that all Manga books are aimed at young men with a liking for young girls but that argument is for another time and another place. So what did I think?

It was quite fun to try something different and you can't get much different than Manga. It was a bit of a headache trying to work out how to read it because not only are Manga books read backwards but you also have to work out in which order to read the comic strips. The story is a
bout a group of school friends who form their own rock band to stop the local school music group from closing down. There isn't much more to it than that. It is funny in parts and it kept my interest and I'd just say the story was okay. Or maybe I am a bit old and the story isn't exactly aimed at an old bugger like me. This is volume 1 of the K-ON! story and I'm not sure if I will ever want to read the other volumes but it was cool to read something different and I'd like to read more manga in future just to get to know the genre a bit better. So I don't really know if this is one of the better ones or one of the worst yet.


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